Linux – the best Linux distro for a php web server?


We are planning to upgrade our hardware and at the same time we plan to reinstall all our web server from a fresh OS.
Currently our web server is running on CentOS 4.7 on a dedicated server. We are using Apache, Mysql, PHP, SVN, FTP and all the needed tools for a web server managed through SSH.

We plan to use a cloud server for the new web server. I don't know which Linux distro to take for this new server. Should I stay with Centos and just take the latest release 5.4 or should I switch to something else like a Debian base distro (Ubuntu Server)?

The thing that I didn't like with CentOS was the none availability of the latest version of PHP and Apache on Yum. This make it harder to keep our webserver updated with the latest technologies…

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

You can run CentOS with all the latest versions of most software thanks to the excellent remi's repos.