Linux – the best modular customizable linux distro


I need a linux distribution which is modular and configurable. For instance I need a kernel with special touch screen support. Other than that there are only a few apps which should be installed. Therefore I want to be able to configure which packages are to be installed. Gnome as the standard desktop environment would be a bonus. It should be able to start from an USB stick and have a installation tool which I could use to install it to the harddrive. I want to be able to run the build of the distro unattended.

Is there a distro which fullfills all those requirements?

The only (life) distribution I have experience with is Knoppix, but remastering is very time-consuming, not unattended, and not quite modular.

Update: Maybe I should be a bit clearer. I need a customizable distribution. I want to be able to, lets say check a few boxes which software should be installed, click a button and 15 min later I have my image which I could copy on a USB stick.

Best Answer

You could have a look at rPath Linux. There's this rBuilder service which allows for building custom distros. It sounds like they are mainly presenting themselves as a virtual appliance building platform, but you may be able to use the result on real hardware as well.

I haven't had a chance to work with rPath myself, but perhaps it will suit your needs.