Linux – the difference between sambaLMPassword and sambaNTPassword


While configuring a linux server with samba and LDAP support I came across these two fields. What's the difference between them?

At the moment, the server is only using samba to share each user's home directory through the network, authenticating users each time they connect. Are both fields used on this authentication?

Best Answer

Basically this:

  • The LM Hash is computed using the DES() algorithm. The computation is fairly simple. The input is the password, in OEM Charset (8-bit) encoding, converted to upper case. In most cases that's just the upper-case of an ASCII string.

  • The NT Hash is just the MD4() of the password. In this case, however, the password must be in Unicode (UCS2LE encoding).

(A bit) More info is here:

EDIT: For details you may want to ask on, the details on how to implement this is probably more related to programming than system administration