Linux timestamp permission error with winscp


I added a user to a group and set the file and dir content to 775. When i use winscp to modify a file it complains it cant set the timestamp bc of a permission error. But it is able to update the file i edit. Why? details on how i set the user is here but i dont think anyone needs to read it Why cant a group member modify a file in a group he is part of?

Best Answer

WinSCP tries to 'preserve time stamp' by default. Some unix systems do not like letting users that don't own a file to change permissions or timestamps even if they have write access, for some strange reason.

To fix this error I went to WinSCP Options > Preferences > Transfer then edited the Default and unchecked Preserve timestamp.

This, I believe, leaves you with the functionality that when a file is modified the timestamp is updated, which makes sense I guess.