Linux tmpfs having no effect on performance!


In order to speed up JBoss startup and use, I copied the contents of my <jboss-home> dir to a big enough tmpfs 'disk'. With this, I was expecting significant speedup.

However, to my surprise, I saw not one bit improvement – neither in startup time, nor in subsequent application use.

How I created tmpfs?

$ mkdir /usr/local/tmpfs-disk
$ mount -t tmpfs -o size=2048m tmpfs /usr/local/tmpfs-disk
$ cd /usr/local
$ ln -s tmpfs-disk foo
$ ls -ld foo
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Jul 21 00:09 foo -> tmpfs-disk
$ cp -a <jboss-home>/* foo/


$ mount
tmpfs on /usr/local/tmpfs-disk type tmpfs (rw,size=2048m)
$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                 2.0G  1.3G  785M  62% /usr/local/tmpfs-disk

I'm using Fedora 12.

What am I missing here?


Best Answer

Either you're not actually using the tmpfs (probably because you're not actually running the copy of your app that you copied to the ramdisk, but there are other possibilities I'll let you explore), or your performance bottleneck wasn't disk in the first place.

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