Linux – Tomcat Server won’t respond on port 80

amazon ec2linuxteamcitytomcat

I'm standing up a TeamCity server that's running it's own embedded Tomcat instance on Amazon EC2.

I have successfully gotten the instance to respond on port 8111 or 8080, but when I try to change the port to 80 I can't get it to respond on that port.

I have my security group set up to allow port 80, and verified that that's not the problem.

I'm not running anything else on my linux instance, just the TeamCity distro, so I don't have an apache server or anything running.

What seems odd to me is that when I run it on 8111 or 8080 and subsequently do a netstat I can see those ports being listened on, but when I put the port to 80 and run another netstat port 80 never shows up as being listened on.

Does anyone know why I can't get tomcat to respond to port 80?

Best Answer

With the Amazon EC2 Basic Linux instances the ports 1-1023 are privileged, so when I tried to start teamcity as non-root user it was crashing because I was trying to access a privileged port.

I found this out through this stackoverflow question

It outlines 2 solutions:

  • start teamcity as root user
  • run teamcity as service with jsvc