Linux – Tomcat shudown does not kill process


I have got some problems with my tomcat instance. I am using apache-tomcat-6.0.20 for linux.My OS is CENTOS

when I execute command

# bin/

It does not close the process that is running the tomcat.

Can any body please give me some idea; what is happening with the process.

Best Answer

I've seen this problem a few times with Tomcat. A couple of things that might help:

  1. Give it some time to make sure the process really isn't shutting down; the Tomcat shutdown script tries to do a clean shutdown, and that can take a while if the Tomcat server had a large number of threads open when you called the shutdown script. If it takes more than 5 to 10 minutes, you probably have some other issue.
  2. Look in the log file (usually logs/catalina.out under the main Tomcat directory) - 9 times out of 10 you'll at least get a pointer to the underlying problem. Go head and post the error message here if you need more help.