Linux – Tomcat vulnerability patching


I had a tomcat vulnerability scan in my linux server and report came as Important: Authentication bypass and information disclosure (CVE-2011-3190) .My apache tomcat is of version 6.0.24.
tomcat security say that it need to be upgarded and patch .Can someone help me with this patching process.

Best Answer

Use updated package

As we don't know your OS, we cannot help you.

Install updated tomcat version

When you inspect you see that you have to install at least 6.0.34.

Current release is 6.0.36.

So go to and install it.


Grab the tomcat 6.0.24 sources with:

The patch can be obtained with:

Add the patch to the sources and build tomcat6 yourself. See the BUILDING.txt document in the sources.

Double cross your fingers that the patch against 6.0.33 make sense also for 6.0.24.


You creating a version nobody else has tested. No quality assurance has been done by the tomcat people from apache.