Linux – Tripwire policy suggestions


I've setup tripwire on a debian server, and default policy had some strange settings.

# Critical devices
  rulename = "Devices & Kernel information",
  severity = $(SIG_HI),
    /dev            -> $(Device) ;
#   /proc           -> $(Device) ;

/proc is very volatile, so I've commented it out, but I guess I should put some of it content explicitly in here. I have some ideas, but I'll ask for an advice on that matter.

Other thing is /var/log :

# These files change every time the system boots
  rulename = "System boot changes",
  severity = $(SIG_HI)
    /var/lock               -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
    /var/run                -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ; # daemon PIDs
#   /var/log                -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;

Again too volatile and too many false positives. Should I explicitly monitor some specified parts of it and what. Rest of /var is $(SIG_MED) and $(SEC_INVARIANT), which sounds reasonable for /var/log too.

Best Answer

I think your assumptions are okay.

There is nothing interesting in proc to watch for, and they change every time. /dev is also a good question. I used to have that line, but now with udev I am not so sure.

You still have this line, do you?

/var -> $(SEC_INVARIANT) (recurse = 0) ;

My real problem with tripwire is, that it requires regular attention to keep it up-to-date. When I had the time it worked great, but not anymore.

Maybe it is worth to take a look at Samhain. It only reports once then learns the changes. It has other great features (maybe I will extend this later).

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