Linux – Determine Accessed Files on Read-Only NFS Share from Server Side


Is it possible to find out what files and applications are being used on a nfs share from the server side?

We make files/applications available to our users from a (read-only) nfs share. It has not been cleaned in the last 10 years. Can I find out what our users are still using without monitoring them client side?

I've tried looking at access times, but they don't get updated on the server. I've tried looking at the locking daemon, but no files/directories seems to get locked. I guess because it's mounted read-only.

The server is mostly up to date, we update once or twice a year and unattended-upgrades is running for security updates. The data has been accumulating for 10 years.
Debian 9
Kernel 4.9.0-4-amd64
nfs-kernel-server 1:1.3.4-2.1

Best Answer

How about using Wireshark and capturing or filtering for NFS port?

You would be able to see the different actions and what is being requested.