Linux – Trying to install gd, getting conflict error


I am trying to install gd using sudo yum install php-gd but I get the error below. I know I have ran into this problem before but I can't seem to recall how I got around it. Am I in the wrong directory? Did I update PHP incorrectly at some point? My brain seems to have turned off for the night and I can't figure this one out.

–> Processing Conflict: php55w-common-5.5.8-1.w6.i386 conflicts php-common < 5.5.0

–> Finished Dependency Resolution

Error: php55w-common conflicts with php-common-5.3.3-27.el6_5.i686`


Best Answer

First of all you need check PHP version you have installed

# php -v

After this you need to find php-gd package for your version of PHP, cause yo are trying php-gd for PHP 5.5., but you (probably) have PHP 5.3.. So you can try:

  1. I assume you have REMI or CentALT repo installed, so just try installing pgp-gd from those repos.

    # yum install php-gd

  2. If you need newer version of PHP ==>> PHP GD:

    1. Remove Current PHP, the easy way is:

      # rpm -qa | grep php | xargs yum -y remove

    2. Install PHP version you need:

      # yum install php55w-common php55w-gd ...

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