Linux – ulimit -n not changing – values limits.conf has no effect


I am trying to raise the open file descriptor maximum for all users on an ubuntu machine.

This question is somewhat of a follow up to this question.

open file descriptor limits.conf setting isn't read by ulimit even when is required

except that i've added the required "root" entries in limits.conf

Here are the entries

*               soft    nofile           100000
*               hard    nofile           100000
root            soft    nofile           100000
root            hard    nofile           100000

Lines related to have been un-commented in all relevant files in /etc/pam.d/ and fs.file-max has been set correctly in /etc/sysctl.conf

However, I still see

abc@machine-2:/etc/pam.d$ ulimit -n

after reboot.

What could be the problem?

My default shell is /bin/sh and i can't use chsh to change my default shell since the my user on the machine is authenticated via some distributed authentication scheme.

Best Answer

I had a similar problem, but with SSH logins only. Local logins (via console) respected the /etc/security/limits.conf.

As it turned out, when you set:

UsePrivilegeSeparation yes

in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, then sshd forks an unprivileged child to set up the account's env. Because this child is unprivileged, then setting upper limits had no effect.

As soon as I set

UsePrivilegeSeparation no

in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and bounced the SSH service, then the limits.conf file were respected with SSH logins.