Linux – Unable to execute gcc: No such file or directory


I am running Ubuntu LTS and I'm getting errors when trying to do some of my pip install stuff, like scrapy for example. This is the error I get:

Unable to execute gcc: No such file or directory
Error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

I'm installing pip within a virtualenv. I tried to install build essentials with the following command but I still get the same error:

apt-get -y install build-essential

Can anyone help me understand where I have gone wrong please?

EDIT – A bit more information:

ubuntu@ip-10-164-8-155:/var/log$ gcc -v
The program 'gcc' can be found in the following packages:
 * gcc
 * pentium-builder
Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>

Best Answer

NOTE: from your gcc -v output Try: sudo apt-get install selected package

sudo apt-get install gcc