Linux – Unable to mount samba shares


I recently installed Debian Squeeze on my computer and since then I cannot mount any Samba shares, remote or local (running Samba server on localhost). The error I get (as root) is:

cmd > ~: mount -t cifs //awakening/library4 /mnt/local1/ -o guest
mount error(1): Operation not permitted
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

I can try mounting some random share (which doesn't exist) and get the same error, so it doesn't even check if the share exists on the remote side. The same share worked when I had Debian Lenny installed.

What is the problem?

Best Answer

zless /usr/share/doc/cifs-utils/NEWS.Debian.gz

cifs-utils (2:4.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * As of this version, the mount.cifs binary is no longer setuid due to
    upstream concerns about the audit status of this code.  As a consequence,
    users will no longer be able to run mount.cifs directly to mount shares
    unless mount points have been individually configured in /etc/fstab with
    the "user" mount option.