Linux – Upgrade Apache , OpenSSH , OpenSSL to latest version in CentOS 7


I have CentOS 7 Vunarablites report shows need to update Apache and OpenSSL, OpenSSH

Current version of packages

  1. OpenSSL : Openssl-1.0.1e-60.el7_3.1.x86_64
  2. Current version of Apache : 2.4.6-45.el7.centos.4
  3. Current version of SSH : OpenSSH_6.6.1p1

Hence need to Uppgrade Apache , OpenSSL , OpenSSH to good\latest versions but yum update repositories still shows old version .

tried to upgrade them fro .tar.gz but it was unsccessfully and there so many package dependencies.

Is there any way to update these packages to lastest versions in CentOS


Best Answer

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AFAIK it has only been less then a day since the CentOS 7.4 update has been released and your local mirror may not be synched yet. You may need to wait a little bit for the latest updates to become available locally.
You may try a yum clean all to prevent cached results after checking that the Update repositories haven't been disabled.

Assuming your yum repositories are correctly configured yum update is sufficient to keep your system up to date and secure and there is no need to build software from source.

Please read the vendor (CentOS is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux) explanation of backporting security updates and bug fixes and what is the impact on version numbers.

This answer is an explanation of the big mis-understanding on what security scanners detect, report and recommend and how that often conflicts with back porting.