Linux – Upgrade Ubuntu Kernel from command line


I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on my server. It has Ubuntu kernel 2.6.X running on it. I was trying to update my kernel yesterday. For that I had run the following commands

sudo do-release-upgrade -c

It returned that I could upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04. Then I run the

sudo do-release-upgrade command

then I rebooted my system. When I check the system details with

uname -r

I can see that ubuntu 12.04 is installed on my server. But when I run

uname -i

It shows that server is still running on kernel 2.6.x

So I see that I have updated to latest version of Ubuntu but still running on old kernel. So how can I upgrade my kernel to the latest version..??

Best Answer


# sudo apt-cache search linux-image


# sudo apt-get install linux-image-$version

should suffice.

Updating of grub and intramfs should be automatic.