Linux – Upgrading CentOS does not update kernel version


I am familiar with Debian based distros and now I have to administer CentOS machines.
I have two CentOS 4.4 machine and I both applied

yum upgrade

on them and they are both (lsb_release -a) 4.9 final now.

However when I looked the kernel version

uname -ar

One of them

 Machine A: 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp
 Machine B: 2.6.9-42.0.8.ELsmp

Then I copied Machine B's CentOS-Base.repo file to Machine A then copied B's yum.conf to A and I retried but yum upgrade but A's kernel version is still same. What can I do? What do I miss?

Best Answer

you have to reboot for the kernel to actually update, at that point, uname will give the correct results.

its worth pointing out that centos4 is now only on maintenance updates so you may want to consider also planning for a larger update to a later version of centos (currently 6.0 is latest)