Linux – UPS monitoring software for Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris


Looking to configure auto shutdown for my servers once the UPS battery reaches a certain state. We have MGE / EATON Pulsar M3000 UPS units, and a heap of servers running Ubuntu, FreeBSD and Solaris – oh and windows.

I am all very new to this, so I'm unsure if there is a standard program which I should be using. 'Nut' has been suggested. Has anyone had any experience with this?

Any other recommendations?


Best Answer

It might not be the right solution for your situation (NUT as mentioned by the other answer is right for you), but a common solution for *nix system is apcupsd. It links to most UPSs (they have a list) and will do remote communication (to shutdown multiple systems connected to the same power source). Also, several big server equipment brands are actually rebadged APC units (such as HP UPSs).

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