Linux – Use AssignUserId as variable in Apache MPM ITK


I heard that the MPM-ITK module for Apache can change Apache server's behaviour to access some folder / file using the UID or GID from the default UID (www-data) into a given UID on the configuration.

For example:

<IfModule mpm_itk_module>
AssignUserId user group

Is it possible to make the username and group a variable?

I want to make Apache access the /home folder as its owner. For example /home/me can only be accessed by the user me, while /home/you can only be accessed you.

Best Answer

You can use mod_macro.

Define one VirtualHost macro an use it with Use

<Macro Hosting $who>

    <Directory "/home/$who">
        allow from all
        Options +FollowSymLinks

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName $
        AssignUserId $who $who

Use Hosting me
Use Hosting you
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