Linux – use of tcp_delack_min on redhat linux (kernel 2.6.18)


we're moving from Solaris to Redhat Linux, and trying to duplicate our low-latency setup, that, on solaris, includes the ndd settings related to TCP NO DELAY, and NAGLE ALGORITHM.
I got the impression that those parameters are not all configurable system-wide, but still found some info.

we have configured our applications to run with no nagle algorithm, but that is not sufficient.

we have found an interesting RH article talking presenting the tcp_delack_min parameter, however, when browsing /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ , I can't find it there.
would it be safe to assume that simply "adding" the parameter as it's said on the doc would be enough, or rather that the option is not supported by this version (would be strange, as RH specify that it "can be performed on a standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation") ?

any other idea / recommendation to improve latency further ?


Best Answer

TCP_NODELAY and Nagle are both per-socket on linux.

Running a realtime kernel might help.