SSH Tunneling – Using Multi-Hop SSH Tunnel to Reach a Database


We have some remoteservers which are only accessible through a jumphost. On this remoteservers run vms which host the databases i want to reach locally. Each box is a linux system. I have only su rights on my local pc, on the remotehost and its vms.

That means our setup looks like:

My local pc --> jumphost --> remotehost --> vm with mysql on

Normally i would ssh three times and then use the mysql cli.

Now i need to setup a tunnel from my local pc to the box hosting the database.

Ulitmatly i want to use something like the python lib ssh-tunnel and its class SSHTunnelForwarder. But i want to start with the bash commands to setup this kind of proxy.

The ssh authentification is password based and each hop requires a different user. Idealy the solution would not require changes to ~/.ssh/config

I have found this post, and i think options 3 is pretty close to what i need.

An example to make it clear. Let's say jumphost is: user1@, my remotehost is user2@ and the vm with database is user3@

what i would try is:

ssh -L 9998: -N user1@

tunnel from my local pc port 9998 to port 22 on the remote host

Here starts my problem, how would i specify the user used for the next to ssh tunnels. Could any guide me into the right direction?

ssh -L 9999: -p 9998 user2@localhost

tunnel from my local pc port 9999 through the first tunnel to port 22 on the remote host

ssh -L 10000:locahost:3306 -N -p 9999 user3@localhost

Tunnel from local pc port 10000 through the tunnel on port 9999 to the port 3306 on the vm.

After that i should be able o reach the database on the vm with from my local pc as far as i understand.

I hope that makes sense, i am thankful for every answer.

Best Answer

I was able to solve it, thanks to this post

class TunnelNetwork(object):
    def __init__(self, tunnel_info, target_ip, target_port):
        self.tunnel_info = tunnel_info
        self.target_ip = target_ip
        self.target_port = target_port

    def start_tunnels(self):
        self.tunnels = []
        for idx, info in enumerate(self.tunnel_info):
            # if we're not the first element, set the bastion to the local port of the previous tunnel
            if idx > 0:
                info['ssh_address_or_host'] = ('localhost', self.tunnels[-1].local_bind_port)
            # if we are the last element, the target is the real target
            if idx == len(self.tunnel_info) - 1:
                target = (self.target_ip, self.target_port)
            # else, the target is the next bastion
                if isinstance(self.tunnel_info[idx+1]['ssh_address_or_host'], tuple):
                    target = self.tunnel_info[idx+1]['ssh_address_or_host']
                    target = (self.tunnel_info[idx+1]['ssh_address_or_host'], 22)

            self.tunnels.append(SSHTunnelForwarder(remote_bind_address=target, **info))
                return False

        return True

    def stop_tunnels(self):
        for tunnel in reversed(self.tunnels):

    def are_tunnels_active(self):
        return self.tunnels and all([t.is_active for t in self.tunnels])

    def get_local_connect_port(self):
        if self.tunnels:
            return self.tunnels[-1].local_bind_port
            return None

And use it with:

tunnel_i = [
    {"ssh_address_or_host": "",
     "ssh_username": "user1",
     "ssh_password": "",
    {"ssh_address_or_host": " ",
     "ssh_username": "user2",
     "ssh_password": "",
    {"ssh_address_or_host": "",
     "ssh_username": "user3",
     "ssh_password": "",

target_ip = ""
target_port = 3306

tn = TunnelNetwork(tunnel_i, target_ip, target_port)


Make sure AllowTcpForwarding is set to On at each hop you are using.