Linux – watchdog daemon file change interval


I'm trying to setup the watchdog daemon to run on my Fedora 12 system.

I know exactly what I want it to do … but I'm unsure as to exactly configure it. Mainly due to inexact documentation.

What I want to do is have my system reboot if a specific file doesn't change within a certain amount of time.

To do this I'll use the file = <filename> and change = <mtime> configuration options.

The problem is, I can't figure out what value I should use for mtime.

I want the system to restart if the specified file (a web server log file) hasn't changed in 10 minutes. What value would I use for mtime?


Best Answer

Which watchdog daemon? Have you tried setting change = 600? That's 10 minutes in seconds, which would be typical way of specifying this sort of thing. Looking at the watchdog.conf(8) man page it looks like everything else is specified in seconds.

Easy to test, too -- don't update the file for ten minutes and see if your system reboots.