Linux – way in Linux where one non root user can check if another non root user is using OpenSSL or not without sudo permission


Consider this scenario where User-A and User-B are both non-root user are running inside a server.

User-A is running different Program P1 (pid-2814),P2(pid-2815) whereas User-B is running different Program M1(pid-3810),M2(pid-3811).

Process P1 of User-A and Process M1 of User-B are using OpenSSL.

When User-A, executes this command

lsof | grep '/usr/lib/'

output shows, Process P1 is using OpenSSL.

P1       2814  User-A  mem       REG        8,6  1633692    3812058 /usr/lib/

The above command donot display Process M1 of User-B is also using OpenSSL.

When User-A, executes below command

sudo lsof |grep '/usr/lib/'   // This is valid ONLY when User-A has sudo permission

it display that Process P1 of User-A and Process M1 of User-B are using OpenSSL.

P1       2814  User-A  mem       REG        8,6  1633692    3812058 /usr/lib/
M1       3810  User-B  mem       REG        8,6  1633692    3812058 /usr/lib/

Is there any way to find out Process M1 of User-B (non-root user) is using OpenSSL from User-A (another non-root user )
without sudo permission ?

Note : With fuser command I am getting similar results.

without sudo permission, ONLY Process P1 is using OpenSSL.

fuser -v '/usr/lib/'

and with sudo permission, output shows both Process P1 and M1 are using OpenSSL.

sudo fuser -v '/usr/lib/'

I am using Debian/Ubuntu.
Any link of clue to achieve the above will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

If you have access to the executables you can use ldd /usr/bin/progname to see what libraries are linked to without requiring any elevated rights.