Linux – way to calculate the percentage CPU utilization by reading /proc/stat at once


I guess the question is, could I somehow calculate the CPU utilization percentage just by reading the /proc/stat once?

# head -1 /proc/stat
cpu  67891300 39035 6949171 2849641614 118251644 365498 2341854 0

I am thinking about summarizing the columns except the IOWait (I was reading somewhere that it is counted in the idle) and that would give me the 100% and each individual column could be turned into percentage by (column/100_percent)*100.

  • user: normal processes executing in user mode
  • nice: niced processes executing in user mode
  • system: processes executing in kernel mode
  • idle: twiddling thumbs
  • iowait: waiting for I/O to complete
  • irq: servicing interrupts
  • softirq: servicing softirqs
  • steal: involuntary wait
  • guest: running a normal guest
  • guest_nice: running a niced guest

Is this a viable approach or i am totally off the track?

Best Answer

You are on the right track, top uses this file for this purpose. But you need to read it more than once.

Utilization is a is a measure of use over time. You can read it once providing you know the uptime in seconds of the host, then divide by that, but that would give you a utility rate of the host since the machine was booted.

If you want a rate over 5 seconds, you would read the file once, sleep for 5 seconds, read it again, obtain the difference of the calculations and divide by 5.

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