Linux – Web Server Security Overkill


I've been doing "extensive" research on securing a linux web server. On top of what is considered the "basics" (removing unused services, hardening ssh, iptables, etc.) is it wise to include anti-rootkits (Tripwire) and an anti-virus (ClamAV)? Are these just overkill for a web server? I know this is a very vague question, but I'm curious on others opinions.

My future environment:
– ubuntu 10.04
– fail2ban
– nginx 0.8.x
– php 5.3.x (suhosin, apc, memcached)
– mongodb 1.6.x

Possible applications:
– web services
– web apps with user uploads (pictures, pdfs, etc.)
– typical websites (forms, etc.)

If you have any other tips, please feel free to add!


Best Answer

For a public facing server, I would say installing something like tripwire is not overkill.

ClamAV is a different matter. I would consider setting that up that if your visitors will be sharing files by uploading to, and downloading from, your website. PDFs can contain exploits.

On public facing servers, I have SSH not allow password authentication, only public-key authentication. If SSH is only possible from an internal LAN then you might relax this.

Where possible I'd place the server on a DMZ so that it cannot originate connections to any other computers on your internal LANs.

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