Linux – What are the major practical differences between OpenSolaris and Linux


I currently use CentOS for on my server, and I've been trying to figure out the practical differences between Linux and OpernSolaris. I'm not a linux master, I merely know my way around the system and can generally install things if I need to (though I won't lie, I get tripped up on that sometimes).

If I switch to OpenSolaris, are there going to be major things that I am unable to do now or that at least won't work the same way? My stacks mainly just consist of PHP/MySQL or Node.js/MongoDB.

Best Answer

OpenSolaris is being forked to OpenIndiana, and I would highly recommend using the later, as Oracle has a tendency to close up previously-open projects. Otherwise,

OpenIndiana/Solaris Pros:


  • Slower on most commodity hardware
  • Supports much narrower set of hardware
  • Fewer applications are ported/maintained for OpenSolaris

Other differences include file system structure, command naming and syntax, etc. There are a few good articles on the difference if you google "linux v opensolaris;" eg:,

SAMP (solaris, apache, mysql, php) stacks should run just fine, assuming your hardware is all supported.