Linux – What does “-/filepath” ACTION mean in rsyslog configuration


I came across this one Debian Linux installation (6.0.6), and examining its /etc/rsyslog.conf, I see configuration lines like this:

auth,authpriv.*                 /var/log/auth.log
*.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog

I can't find anything about prepending dashes to the file action in rsyslog.conf(5), and what the meaning of it might be, and would like to know what they actually do.

Best Answer

Googled this a bit more, and found this.

In essence, it means to not synchronize the log file to disk every time there is a write, if synchronization behavior is on by default.

It is stated that since v3 the default behavior is not sync, and it's possible to change this by specifying "$ActionFileEnableSync on/off".