Linux – What’s best practice for communication between Amazon EC2 instances

amazon ec2linuxnetworkingSecurityssh

I've been setting up Amazon EC2 instances for an upcoming project. They are all micro instances, running Ubuntu Server 64bit. Here's what I've setup so far:

  • Web Server — Apache
  • Database Server — MySQL
  • Development Server — Apache & MySQL
  • File Server — SVN & Bacula (backups are done to S3 buckets)

Currently, there's only one Web Server, but eventually there will be more.

My first question is, what is the
best, most secure way for Amazon EC2
instances to communicate between each
other? Currently I'm using SSH, is
that the best method?

According to Amazon, instances communicating between themselves using their Elastic IP addresses will be charged data transfer fees. However, instances communicating using their Private IP addresses can do so for free. Unfortunately, it appears Private IPs change if the instance is stopped and re-started.

So that's my second question, how do
you make use of Amazon instances'
Private IPs if they're not static?

I know that the instances probably won't be stopped and started very frequently, but still, if the IP address is in various config files, it would be a pain to have to go through them all and change it.

I'm primarily concerned about the Web servers, which will need access to the Database server and the File server, which will need access to all the instances when performing backups.

Note: I've never used Bacula before and I don't have it setup yet, but I'm assuming it will need the IP addresses of the clients to back them up.

Best Answer

Check out Eric Hammond's article explaining how to use Elastic IP addresses even from within EC2. This method does NOT result in any bandwidth charges because resolving the Elastic IP address (by name) from within EC2 returns the Private IP address.

For more options, I have an article examining a few alternatives: