Linux – Which vhost is getting SIGKILL’ed in Apache 2.2/PHP 5.3.3


I have a linux server with 16gb of RAM and 8 cores. It never goes into swap and CPU usage never exceeds ~1.5. I believe it is safe to say there is plenty of capacity.

Occasionally I get some [warn] mod_fcgid: process 28341 graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL.

On Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS 6.3) mod_fcgid/2.3.7, all mod_fcgid settings below are not present, thus default:


I want to identify in which vhost are processes have been getting the SIGKILLed. So I loaded mod_status and turned ExtendedStatus ON. I set log_server_status to run every minute, since I can't afford to manually reload the /server-status/ page and at the same time keep an eye on the logs, all day, waiting for a SIGKILL to happen.

But the output of log_server_status is not very helpful. This is all I see in the logs created by the script:

all the way to

I want to track down the vhosts responsible for SIGKILL. How do I go about it?
Am I doing something wrong with regards to log_server_status? The output seems useless…

Best Answer

You seem to be running PHP through mod_fcgid. As long as the same wrapper is used for starting the PHP interpreter for all vhosts, the processes spawned by mod_fcgid are cross-used as you appear to have no vhost-specific directives for fcgid. They remain running after startup and get re-used to run whatever PHP code is passed to them for processing (which is the very salt of mod_fcgid BTW). Refer to the mod_fcgid documentation for details.

There is a documented bug breaking this behavior and leading to a situation where PHP processes might be spawned for each vhost disregarding any defined per-class limits under certain conditions, but this bug only applies to the old 2.3.6 version of the module, is undesired behavior and has been fixed in 2.3.7.

Other than that, the log warnings you are seeing are not due to resource exhaustion, this is normal mod_fcgid activity. mod_fcgid terminates the running processes periodically (either after an idle timeout, a certain lifetime or after a certain number of requests). The termination happens by sending a SIGTERM to the process. If the process is not able to handle the SIGTERM in time for some reason (it might be too busy, but might also be just catching and ignoring SIGTERM requests), it is ended forcibly via a SIGKILL - this is what the warning is about.

If you are unhappy with the timing of the process terminations, just adjust the respective parameters with the FcgidIdleTimeout, FcgidProcessLifetime and FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess directives.

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