Linux – Why i am getting falied attemps inspite of having public key logins in centos


I am using amazon ec2 and i have public key encryption.

I was checking the /var/log/secure file and i get this

Jul 17 21:14:18 server sshd[26590]: Excess permission or bad ownership on file /var/log/btmp
Jul 17 21:14:18 server sshd[26591]: input_userauth_request: invalid user net
Jul 17 21:14:18 server sshd[26591]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Jul 17 21:14:22 server sshd[26592]: Invalid user internet from
Jul 17 21:14:22 server sshd[26592]: Excess permission or bad ownership on file /var/log/btmp
Jul 17 21:14:22 server sshd[26593]: input_userauth_request: invalid user internet
Jul 17 21:14:22 server sshd[26593]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Jul 17 21:14:25 server sshd[26594]: Invalid user cafe from
Jul 17 21:14:25 server sshd[26594]: Excess permission or bad ownership on file /var/log/btmp
Jul 17 21:14:25 server sshd[26595]: input_userauth_request: invalid user cafe
Jul 17 21:14:25 server sshd[26595]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Jul 17 21:14:28 server sshd[26596]: Invalid user station from
Jul 17 21:14:28 server sshd[26596]: Excess permission or bad ownership on file /var/log/btmp
Jul 17 21:14:28 server sshd[26597]: input_userauth_request: invalid user station
Jul 17 21:14:29 server sshd[26597]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Jul 17 21:14:32 server sshd[26598]: Invalid user play from
Jul 17 21:14:32 server sshd[26598]: Excess permission or bad ownership on file /var/log/btmp
Jul 17 21:14:32 server sshd[26599]: input_userauth_request: invalid user play
Jul 17 21:14:32 server sshd[26599]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Jul 17 21:14:33 server sshd[26603]: Connection closed by
Jul 17 21:14:35 server sshd[26604]: Invalid user open from
Jul 17 21:14:35 server sshd[26604]: Excess permission or bad ownership on file /var/log/btmp
Jul 17 21:14:35 server sshd[26605]: input_userauth_request: invalid user open
Jul 17 21:14:36 server sshd[26605]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Jul 17 21:14:39 server sshd[26607]: Invalid user dulap from
Jul 17 21:14:39 server sshd[26607]: Excess permission or bad ownership on file /var/log/btmp

i just want to know how did i get those request because i am using public key logins.

Are these attemps from inside my server or external network and at which port

Best Answer

They are login attempts from the ukraine. Just because you have public key doesn't mean that people can't try to login, they can try and fail just fine. Assuming you don't accept passwords the public/private key just make it harder to crack. If you want to avoid the log spam of bots hammering away at your server all day/night move ssh to a non standard port (such as 8022, or 28022) and you will see way less automated login attempts. Also I would check the permissions on your btmp file they appear to be incorrect.

/var/log/btmp should be owned by the root user and have permission 600, so a chown root:utmp /var/log/btmp && chmod 600 /var/log/btmp should fix that. And yes it isn't meant to be read by vi, you can use the last command such as last -f /var/log/btmp to read it.

as for changing the ssh port from 22 you need to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add a line such as Port 8022 to it, commenting out a Port 22 if it exists, then restart ssh. Also make sure that if you are using a firewall you allow the new port before disconnecting so you don't lock yourself out.