Linux – Why is sshd engaging PAM still


Background/Behavior is: if you ssh to box via and GSSAPI/Kerberos succeeds and you have a local user in /etc/passwd, you login fine per below PAM config. All Good there.

But if you don't have a local user in /etc/passwd but you can get a host/XXXXXX service ticket (GSSAPI works), sshd fails the login and never get prompts for SecurID (our pam radius points to a SecurID). I understand that. Since the server 'authenticated' the user and pam_unix knows the user is not in /etc/passwd, there's no need to engage any other auth methods.

However, my question is why is it if I first run kdestroy (intentionally have GSSAPI fail), (and still don't exist in /etc/passwd) do I all of a sudden get a Securid prompt (i.e PAM is engaged)?

Running sshd with debug shows: postponed keyboard-interactive for invalid user "user". First, why wouldn't it simply fail? Second why delay? pam_radius is 'requisite', not 'required'.

I would expect to also to simply fail because even though I have not authenticated, I never going to get past pam_unix.



ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes  
GSSAPIAuthentication            yes  
HostbasedAuthentication         no  
KerberosAuthentication          no  
PasswordAuthentication          no  
PubkeyAuthentication            yes  
RhostsRSAAuthentication         no  
RSAAuthentication               yes  
UsePAM                          yes      


auth       requisite conf=pam_radius_auth.conf debug retry=3  
auth       required  
auth     required  
account  sufficient conf=pam_radius_auth.conf  
account    required service=system-auth  
password   required service=system-auth  
session    required service=system-auth  
session    required  
session    optional  


auth        required  
auth        sufficient  
auth        sufficient  
auth        required  
account     required  
password    required retry=3  
password    sufficient use_authtok md5 shadow  
password    required  
session     required  
session     required  

Best Answer

GSSAPI authentication is not handled by PAM. The PAM module for kerberos is used for password authentication of a user, using the kerberos protocol to obtain a valid ticket.

There are 3 outcomes of the GSSAPI authentication.

  1. Authentication failed because credentials were sent but the credentials were invalid.
  2. Authentication succeeded using the credentials presented.
  3. Authentication is ignored because no credentials were supplied.

If the outcome is 1, the request is denied outright as a token was sent but failed. SSHD does not attempt other authentication methods.

If the outcome is 3, sshd will next attempt other authentication methods, which includes the PAM auth section.

I am not familiar with pam_radius but I assume it requests an authentication token regardless of whether or not the user exists for security reasons. Having it fail immediately indicates to a user/attacker that such a user does not exist, so from a process of elimination you could enumerate users.

As for the "requisite" option, in the stack setup given "required" and "requisite" have the same affect. pam_krb can not request a ticket without a valid user anyway so it would end up failing immediately.

For the config given pam_unix is not used for authentication but authorization, this is a step that occurs after authentication. To clarify; authentication deals with proving you are who you say you are, whilst authorization deals with you having correct permissions to do what you want to do (which in this case is login).