vsftpd – Why chroot_local_user is Insecure


I'm setting up on my VPS a vsftpd, and i don't want users be allowed to leave they're ftp home directory. I'm using local_user ftp, not anonymous, so I added:


I've read in a lot of forum post, that this is unsecure.

  1. Why is this unsecure?
  2. If this is unsecure because of using ssh to join to my VPS as well, then I could just lock out these users from sshd, right?
  3. Is there an other option for achiving this behaviour of vsftpd? ( I dont want to remove read permissions on all folder/files for "world" on my system )

Best Answer

Check here for VSFTPD's FAQ for the answer your looking for. Below is the important excerpt that I think will answer your question.

Q) Help! What are the security implications referred to in the "chroot_local_user" option?

A) Firstly note that other ftp daemons have the same implications. It is a generic problem. The problem isn't too severe, but it is this: Some people have FTP user accounts which are not trusted to have full shell access. If these accounts can also upload files, there is a small risk. A bad user now has control of the filesystem root, which is their home directory. The ftp daemon might cause some config file to be read - e.g. /etc/some_file. With chroot(), this file is now under the control of the user. vsftpd is careful in this area. But, the system's libc might want to open locale config files or other settings...

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