Linux – Why is the Fedora HD STILL coming up as 127 GB

fedoraformattinghard drivehyper-vlinux

After posting this question, and creating a fixed 700GB disk in Hyper-V, when I mount Fedora 11 to a CD and go to install it only shows 127GB of space to write to.

How can I use all 700GB on the VHD?????

Thanks very much,

EDIT: In response to Cristians answer, I have made a SCSI controller, pointed it at the 700GB VHD and booted, now Fedora doesnt see any drive at all:

What am I doing wrong here???

EDIT 2: If I cannot make an IDE drive thats > 127GB, and I cant boot on the 700GB SCSI, how can I use this space???
If I boot on a small IDE with the SCSI attached, Fedora has no idea that all that space is there. Will this appear after loading the operating system? How hard is it to format a large drive and use it in Hyper-V???

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lspci output:

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Best Answer

Quoting from an article about Hyper-V (thanks Ryaner):

Virtual hard disk specifications are independent of the bus type used to connect to the virtual machine. However, the bus type does impose a size limitation on virtual hard disks. Virtual hard disks connected via IDE cannot exceed 127 GB. Virtual hard disks connected via SCSI cannot exceed 2040 gigabytes.

So it seems that you'll need to use a SCSI hard disk, instead of an IDE one. You could also try splitting the current hard disk into multiple smaller IDE hard disks.