Linux – Windows CA to issue certificate to authenticate SSH to a Linux server


I have a Windows Server Root Certificate Authority, Linux SSH server, and users with Windows SSH clients. The Linux box is not part of the AD domain (and probably never will be [sigh])

OpenSSH 5.4 and above supports X.509 certiicate based authentication. I am trying to find a way to use my Windows Certificate Authority to issue certificates for authentication of the users when the SSH to the Linux box.

I do not want to have to generate a keypair on each user's desktop. And we want the certificates controlled and revokable at the Windows CA.

My question is not exactly the same as
SSH from Windows to Linux with AD certificates
(and the referenced seems to be down)

I have searched Google a lot, and haven't found much results about how to accomplish this. An answer doesn't necessarily have to include a full tutorial, even some hints about what to search on or pointers to some references may be helpful.

Best Answer

Between OpenSSH 5.4's readme and Roumen Petrov it does not appear that it is available to the extent you are looking for at this date. It also appears that OpenSSH isn't all that interested in supporting it.

That being said, you maybe able to make it happen if you install the forked version Petrov provides.