Linux Backup – Best Linux Backup Solutions Using inotify


It takes forever to back up. Before we can trust btrfs or ZFS to backup incremental snapshots, wouldn't it be nice if there was a daemon that used inotify to keep track of which files had actually changed so backups would run more quickly? Where is this program?

How do I backup my Linux box without having to crawl the whole filesystem every time? I would like a program that would detect the new or changed photos, source code, etc. and queue them to be copied over to my NAS.

Best Answer

I answered my own question with "yum search inotify". It's called lsyncd and it's hosted on google code.

Unfortunately it looks like it always runs a full rsync first, so it still wouldn't help me if my computer was not turned on for more than 14 hours at a time.

Lsyncd uses rsync to synchronize local directories with a remote machine running rsyncd. Lsyncd watches multiple directories trees through inotify. The first step after adding the watches is to rsync all directories with the remote host, and then sync single file by collecting the inotify events. So lsyncd is a light-weight live mirror solution that should be easy to install and use while blending well with your system. See lsyncd --help for detailed command line options.