Linux – www-data access sshfs mount point


I have an Apache2 on a Debian Linux. I mount a sshfs to the directory /mnt/mountpoint/ (it is mounted on boot time via /etc/fstab). It is accessed with a softlink from /var/www/mountpoint.

When I access the directory with a browser I get a 403.

As fas as I can see the user www-data can not read the directory.

Output of ls as www-data:

d????????? ? ?    ?       ?            ? mountpoint

Output of ls as root:

drwxrwxrwx 1 aneuschitzer www-data 4.0K Jun  5 16:27 

My corresponding line in /etc/fstab

sshfs#reader@targethost:/mnt/mountpoint  /mnt/mountpoint        fuse    ro,noexec,gid=www-data  0 0

First I had the options ro,noexec, I tried without noexec. I have read How to set up sshfs to use www-data and tried adding the gid, but it did not help.

Best Answer

You need to enable the options allow_other and/or user_allow_other in /etc/fuse.conf. Otherwise only the user who mounted the filesystem can use it. Once you've made the change, unmount and remount the filesystem.

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