Linux – xen 4 on (hetzner) dedicated server freezes


I have a lot of trouble trying to host xen 4 on my dedicated server. I first tried centos, it had only xen 3, but everything went amazingly smooth – I had win xp up & running in few minutes. However, I want to host windows server 2k8 r2 and it needs xen in a version at least 4.0.

I've tried debian and opensuse, both has xen 4 as packages, but both seems to be unstable. I don't know what exactly happens, but the server became unreachable during guest boot and every single dom0 reboot. The problem is, the panel my hoster ( has the option to do hw reset, but… it seems to stop working when it freezes. Each time that happens, I have to order a manual hw reset, and have to wait about half an hour for staff to react. It makes it completely impossible to find the issue 🙁 the staff usually responds with something like 'it was a black screen' or 'it was frozen'. Do you guys have any ideas how I could try to "debug" it? Or maybe any good xen replacement…?

KVM is above my budget (it's more expensive than a server itself…), and dc is way too far and probably I couldn't get there anyway…

I have completely no idea what else I could try or where to look for help. I feel so useless right now…

Best Answer

Quick question: what's your cpu? I just had a similar issue it was with xcp where it would hang and require a manual power off. Check in your bios in the processor section and see if c-state is enabled. If so, disable it and see if it fixes your issue.