Linux – Xen domU shared drive alternative to NFS


We have a Xen server where the dom0 acts as both vm host and storage host. Nothing special about the server, the storage is an internal RAID array. No failover partner or anything.

Each of the domUs have their own lvm volumes for local storage, and then share partitions like /home over NFSv4

Given that the storage is all physically local to the machine, it would seem inefficient to push this over NFS, just to enabled shared access to a volume.

Can anyone recommend or suggest an alternative way of sharing a volume that is local to the host and VMs (effectively)?

Edit: and if NFSv4 is the best approach, again given the VMs are co-located and the virtual nature of the network connectivity between dom0 and domU, is there a well-known ideal set of mount options to maximise performance (in a general usage scenario with a variety of transaction types) or is it still a case of wheeling out bonnie and running tests?

Best Answer

NFSv4 is as good as it gets. There was a project called XenFS which looked promising, but never reached a stable release. I has been dormant for a couple years now. I'm not sure you can find the source anymore.