Linux – yum list available – not showing all packages


I have a strange problem with yum, working on one server and not working on another server that should be identical.

The symptom is that after running createrepo on a directory containing RPMs (and creating a definition called "foo" in /etc/yum.repos.d):

yum list available --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=foo 

shows all 23 RPMs on one server, but only 7 of them on the other.

On the server that only shows 7 RPMs, I can still see the missing RPMs by running

yum search <package_name> --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=foo

I have checked:

  • SELinux – disabled on both servers
  • OS Version – RHEL 6.4 on both
  • Kernel – same on both
  • Version of Yum and createrepo command

So, what could be different between the servers to create this problem?

Best Answer

If the package is installed, it will not show up as available. You can specify the --showduplicates option to see everything that is available in a repo whether it is installed or not. I would suggest comparing output of the following command run on both servers. It should be the same output if both servers are accessing the same repo:

yum list available --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=foo --showduplicates