List of hosts in Varnish


I'm running a VPS with multiple different websites, and Varnish in front for caching.
However, some websites should not be cached.
Instead of making individual rules for each website, I would like to make a general "DON'T CACHE" list, which is linked to some rules. Possible?

In the following, I've sketched what I would like: a list of websites (ACL syntax) in the VCL configuration which should not be cached.

list cache_blacklist {

sub vcl_recv {
  if ( ~ cache_blacklist) {

sub vcl_fetch {
  if ( ~ cache_blacklist) {

Best Answer

First thing : you don't need to set a vcl_fetch rule if the condition depends on the request. Everything will be handled in vcl_recv.

vcl_fetch rules are only needed when condition depends on the server response.

HTTP Host being in the request...your vcl_fetch rule is actually useless.

Now that you don't need to tell "which domains should not be cached" twice, just use a single condition in vcl_recv like this :

sub vcl_recv {
    if ( == "" || == "") {

Note that you can also use regexp...not sure about which is the best...