Lmhosts and hosts file to allow user joining to domain controller


I have a domain controller on a diffrent ip range as my computer and would like to know if it is possible to join it to the domain using host file and lmhosts file?

I don't want to use VPN

I don't want to use MS Direct Access

I don't want to put my computer on the same ip range as my domain controller.a

I don't want to change any DNS settings

Laptop running Windows 8 Pro
DC on Windows Server 2012


Best Answer

In you hosts file add entry's that point to your DCs IP address for your FQDN, your domain's short name and the DC's name.

I would also recommend you add your domains DNS servers to your network config, you can keep the primary and secondary the way you have them, just add the domains DNS IP as a third one. You can add a third DNS by clicking on the "Properties" button after you select IPv4 under your network adapters Properties and then clicking on the Advanced button.


  • Domain: ad.sa.com
  • FQDN: ad.sa.com
  • Short Name: sa
  • DC Name: DC

This is for a setup where the domain users are joined to "ad.sa.com", the server hosting the domain (ie. the Domain Controller) is named "DC" and the users log-in with the prefix of sa (ex. sa\username)

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