Load Balancing – Strategies for HTTPS and Load Balancing

clusterhttpsload balancing

I am faced with the following problem: Servers get saturated since current load balancing strategy is based on client IP. Some corporate clients access our servers from behind large proxies so all clients appear with same IP to our load balancer. I think we are using some hardware load balancing device (can investigate further if necessary). We need to maintain session affinity (site is constructed in ASP), so all requests with same IP get routed to the same node.

Since all the communication goes over the HTTPS, no request data (like session Id) is available to balancer as a client discriminator. Is there a way to use some other data besides the IP to distinguish between clients and route the clients even when coming from same IP to different nodes?

Note: I need to maintain the traffic between the balancer and nodes safe (encrypted).

Best Answer

The easiest way of doing this if you currently have a load balancer in place is to decrypt the data on the load balancer and look at a cookie. At that point you can either send the request to the backend server un-ecnrypted or you can re-encrypt it and send it on.

Most setups I know of consider the network connection between the load balancer and the backend server secure and don't bother to re-encrypt the traffic for multiple reasons. One reason is that hardware based load balancers also act as SSL accelerators and this is another reason the HTTPS traffic ends at their door. Another is that it allows the traffic to be inspected for attacks.

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