Log tcpdump Output


What I basically want is to to write all tcpdump captured packets to a file every 3 days. So basically tcpdump should run for 24 hours on day 1 and write the output to Day1.log and similar for Day2 and Day3. On the 4th day it should repeat and write the log to Day1 again. This is basically to check DDoS attempts on my server and to find out the type of attack including the attacker's IP as in the last 7 days my machines were DDoS'd and I expect it to happen again. I know its done by some cronjobs but I need the actual commands to put there?

I also want to know which IP made how much input in mb/sec maximum as I have a high traffic so it would almost take me 6 hours to keep searching those files for the attacker's IP. So is there anything in WireShark during the analysis of those files which might tell how much input in mb/s was made by an IP to my server? If not, how should I find that?


You guys are free to post your ideas of countering this as well. All I need is to find the attacker's IP, the packet-data he sent and the input in mb/s made to my server. My clients do not make more than 300kb/s input so if we set a filter to capture more than 1mb/s input if made, we could capture that.

Best Answer

Instead of logging all traffic, I would suggest the following: Monitor the number of packets sent to your server. If it exceeds a certain threshold, log a couple of 1000 packets, then wait for a longer time.

That packet trace should contain plenty of information which can be used for analysis. Also, it will not impose too much additional load on your server while everything is fine. You could use the following hacked together bash code as a starting point (could be started in screen, for example):


while /bin/true; do
  pkt_old=`grep $interface: /proc/net/dev | cut -d :  -f2 | awk '{ print $2 }'`
  sleep 1
  pkt_new=`grep $interface: /proc/net/dev | cut -d :  -f2 | awk '{ print $2 }'`

  pkt=$(( $pkt_new - $pkt_old ))
  echo -ne "\r$pkt packets/s\033[0K"

  if [ $pkt -gt 5000 ]; then
    echo -e "\n`date` Under attack, dumping packets."
    tcpdump -n -s0 -c 2000 -w $dumpdir/dump.`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`.cap
    echo "`date` Packets dumped, sleeping now."
    sleep 300

Feel free to adapt it to your needs.