Lotus notes 8.5 quota


we're using lotus notes 8.5 and I have a user who was over his quota as he had sent 6 email with attachement over 800 MB (no comment…)
I deleted these oversized email and empty the trash but domino keep sending email warning about quota. I checked in the all documents view and they are no longer there, I re-did an empty the trash. I saw a post on the internet saying to compact his database, when I go under file, application, properties and click on the info tab, I see that he use 35.7% of the 3 GB database. when I click on "compact" I see a message saying the compact of the database is beeing process… the message disapear after about 1 minutes the message disapear but nothing else seem to happen and when I look back later on the space problem has not changed.

any advice would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Make sure you are compacting the database on the server and not the local replica.