Lotus Notes defaulting to user’s name rather than the display name on the email


We have a process which sends out emails over smtp and while it uses the same underlying email address for each email it uses a different display name:


Email 1 – Email Address: test@test.com – Display Name: "Hello World"
Email 2 – Email Address: test@test.com – Display Name: "Goodbye World"

In Exchange and Outlook this works correctly.

In Domino and Lotus Notes this doesn't work if the underlying email address matches a local email address. In that case Notes displays the configured name of the user ignoring the per email display name.

The problem I'm faced with is that of an inbound email which has a fake display name being "corrected" by Lotus Notes because it matches a local user's email address.

Is there a way to have Lotus Notes show the display name in preference to the user's true name?

Best Answer

Have you tried adding RouterTranslateSpecial=0 to the NOTES.INI? It will tell the server to not check against your directory.

Note: That means that your users can change their internet address by going to their local names.nsf, and changing it there.

You need to restart the router task after the change.

tell router quit
load router

Reference: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/routertranslatespecial