Lsass.exe memory leak on windows 2003 server

active-directorymemory leakmonitoringwindows-registrywindows-server-2003

In the past month or so I noticed that lsass.exe has started to leak memory, getting to 500MB+ of ram in under a week after reboot. Before this I had never noticed it using any significant amount of memory compared to other processes on the system.

This is happening on 2 identical servers, neither of which has anything to do with Active Directory.

Maybe a recent Windows Update has caused this? Any thoughts on things to check?

As a side question is there some way to recycle the memory usage of lsass.exe without rebooting?


screenshot from Process Monitor

Here is what I'm seeing in Process Monitor, there are thousands of registry open/query/close a minute from lsass.exe. How can I track down what is triggering these?

Best Answer

If you have iis on your server, this microsoft kb can help you :