LSI MegaRAID Expected Chip Temperature


We recently built a replicating SAN array from 2x Dell R720XD's, we are using LSI 9270-8i MegaRAID cards with CacheCade 2.0, BBU and Write Back cache enabled.

Our cards are showing HUGE chip temperatures (97*C+ with NO disk activity!).

Our R720's are in auto temp management mode so the max exhaust temp is 50*C.

The MegaRAID cards are passively cooled and depend on good airflow to cool them – however is 97*C normal? – I have seen reference to 60*C max ambients but nothing for chip temp.

Best Answer

This seems to give some idea about temperature ranges, although for a different chip. ~100°C is high and dangerously close to the limit but still within spec. I have a similar issue with a 9201-16i card. These chips have a 2000000 hours MTBF but at such high idle temperatures I doubt they can last :(

I considered replacing the heat-sink with one from a retired video card. If anybody had succeeded in removing it safely from the chip would be nice to write a few lines about the procedure. Looks to be glued with some epoxy, not just a thermal compound easily detachable. This results in a high risk of breaking the BGA itself or the soldering to the board...