Lvm – lvremove claims LV to be open

hard drivelvm

frequently I notice that after a

$ sudo lvcreate vg -L 10G

immediately followed by a

$ sudo lvremove vg/<created volume>

I get the error message

Can't remove open logical volume "…"

while a

$ sudo lvs

shows me for that volume

  lvol2         vg   -wi-a-  10,00g
  • so there os a - after the a in the flags, where there should be an o if the volume was really open.

After some time, deletion works.

Why is that the case? How can I make it work immediately?

EDIT: The following did not lead to something useful:

$ sudo rm /dev/mapper/vg-lvol24 
$ sudo lvremove /dev/vg/lvol24
  Can't remove open logical volume "lvol24"
$ sudo lvs vg/lvol24
  LV     VG   Attr   LSize  Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  lvol24 vg   -wi-a- 10,00g                                      
$ sudo lvremove /dev/vg/lvol24
  Can't remove open logical volume "lvol24"

Best Answer

So there is yet another possibility other than NFS, stale bash process and udev misbehaviour, namely partitions opened on the block device.

kpartx -d /dev/vg1/lv1

Then you can verify that # open drops to 0 in lvdisplay's output.

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