Lvm – Reize LVM volume with ansible


Short version: how do you resize/extend a logical volume with ansible?

It includes built-in support for managing both physical volumes and volume groups and logical volumes.

Based on the following info from that second link, I'm assuming it's capable of extending logical volumes:

  1. "This module creates, removes or resizes logical volumes."
  2. resizefs: Resize the underlying filesystem together with the logical volume.

Plus, the following example in the documentation:

- name: Extend the logical volume to take all remaining space of the PVs and resize the underlying filesystem
    vg: firefly
    lv: test
    size: 100%PVS
    resizefs: true

However, my attempts to resize result in failure. I have these vars defined:

lvm_group: vg00

  - name: /dev/mapper/vg00-lv_home
    size: 5G

and I'm running this task:

- name: configure LVM logical volumes
    vg: "{{ lvm_group }}"
    lv: "{{ }}"
    size: "{{ item.size }}"
    resizefs: yes
   "{{ lvm_volumes }}"

Note: I've tried with resizefs set to both yes (as in the documentation) and true (as in the example).

However, I get this failure when running:

failed: [] (item={u'name': u'/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_home', u'size': u'5G'}) => changed=false
  ansible_loop_var: item
  err: |2-
      Logical Volume "lv_home" already exists in volume group "vg00"
    name: /dev/mapper/vg00-lv_home
    size: 5G
  msg: Creating logical volume '/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_home' failed
  rc: 5

Can anyone help me understand what I'm going wrong? Am I missing some other required argument perhaps?

I'm using ansible 2.9.10. Thanks.

Best Answer

I think the Ansible lvol module wants just the logical volume name as lv, but you have passed it the full path to the block device. Try passing it the LV name instead.