Lvm – XenServer 6.5 – Creating local iso storage/library failed – SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_222


I was trying to adapt instructions for XenServer 6.2 on how to create a local ISO library to a freshly installed XenServer 6.5 host. However the command …

xe sr-create name-label=LocalIso type=iso device-config:legacy-mode=true device-config:location=/var/iso content-type=iso

… fails with the following error code and message …

Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_222
Error parameters: , Could not mount the directory specified in Device Configuration,

An active logical volume is mounted at "/var/iso". So the directory should be accessible.

# lvscan
  ACTIVE            '/dev/VG_XenStorage-<id>/MGT' [4.00 MB] inherit
  ACTIVE            '/dev/VG_XenStorage-<id>/ISO' [32.00 GB] inherit

# df -T
Filesystem    Type   1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
              ext3    33027952    766592  30583640   3% /var/iso

Don't know how to go from there, so any help is much appreciated!

Best Answer

Here you have a tutorial how to do this, with additional information how to create ISO storage on a separate partition:

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